JOYSTF.ZIP Contents: =================== Here's all you need to setup and test an IBM 'game adaptor' port as a Windows Multi-media 'Joystick' device. This zip includes: IBMJOY.ZIP - the actual Windows joystick driver JOYCPL.ZIP - a Windows control panel 'applet' for calibration JOYSTA.ZIP - a tool for examining/testing the joystick Notes/Credits: ============= IBMJOY.ZIP and JOYCPL.ZIP were downloaded from areas on CompuServe. JOYSTA.ZIP was created by Raymond W. Six with Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows/Professional Edition, Version 2.0. (Source available on request). [Sorry to authors for not taking the time to list names here, trying to get this TXT out in a hurry.] Hats off the the authors of IBMJOY and JOYCPL, thanks to guys from MS on CompuServe for figuring out how to convert 'C' function stuff for MMSYSTEM.DLL into VB-usable code, thanks to Danial Appleman's new book "Visual Basic Programmers' Guide to the Windows API" - which every VB programmer should IMMEDIATELY run out and buy. - Raymond W. Six, CIS:70530,433 - 3/23/93